Sunday, July 24, 2011

There's an App for that

In 1991 Hersey's had a Valentine's promotion where you could send chocolates and tulips to your sweetheart. My husband and I were to be married just two months later and we were separated by half a state, so I did it. I sent him chocolates and tulips. The message on the card from me said: "Tulips for now, two lips forever."
Yeah, I know, kind of cheesy. But now, every time my husband sends me flowers, there is a tulip or two included -- and our florist loves it!

The little quilt (17"x17") below has been accepted into a juried exhibit at our local art center. The theme is two-color quilts. It is called "Tulips for Now". If you have a smart phone, you probably know what it is. If you don't, it is a QR code, sort of like a SKU code read both directions. Guess what this one says.

I will be offering patterns for different short saying to be made into quilts or cross-stitch pieces in my etsy shop really soon.
UPDATE: I have a listing for custom orders HERE Please check it out.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Here's why you haven't heard from me . . .

You guessed it . . . my laptop and my netbook have been in ICU for over a week. Do not click on fake security alerts. I'm just saying . . . .