Sunday, November 2, 2008

Messes and Creativity

Lynn Davis has done it again, She's opened her studio and told us about her messy, creative studio over on the Blog and she was asking about our messes and messiest projects. I had to answer that. Here's what I posted:

I live in C.H.A.O.S. - Can't Have Anyone Over Syndrome (thanks "Flylady"). My messes my own making and I think it has something to do with having two jobs and a very full volunteer schedule. I'm a fiber artist as well as a jewelry maker, but it's my sewing room/studio that's the worst. I'll get deep into a project and then have to abandon it to go off and do one of these things on my schedule.

But my biggest/worst mess was a few years ago when I was making some Ukrainian-style Easter Egg on our breakfast table. The weekend before I had stripped the round maple table because the varnish was sticky. I'm sure you can see what's coming. I tipped over the jar of green dye and made a permanent mess on the table.

Lemons to lemonade, I painted the table white and stenciled our china pattern on it. I loved that table!


LLYYNN - Lynn Davis said...

Your description of your 'messiest project' made me laugh, thanks again for sharing that. I love the plate pattern, it would definitely make a nice tabletop too!

EmandaJ said...

Thanks Lynn, I've become a really big fan of your blog and all the things you do over at Art Bead Scene. I'd love it if you would link my blog to yours.